#+TITLE: min-percent zsh theme - a minimalist zsh theme with a % or # sign as the prompt terminator * Description Minimalist zsh theme with a *%* or *#* sign as the prompt terminator. Below is a screen shot demonstrating all of the possible prompt states (excluding when running as root user, where the „%” at the end of the prompt changes to „#”). [[./screen-shot.png]] * Prior art - The prompt is based on [[https://github.com/tobyjamesthomas/pi][pi.zsh-theme]] by [[https://github.com/tobyjamesthomas][Toby Thomas]]. - the =get_pwd()= function is a modified version of one by [[https://github.com/shashankmehta][Shashank Mehta]]. * Installation instructions ** Requirements Error indicator is shown using a unicode emoji character - it was tested with Noto Color Emoji font. Git repository symbol uses Powerline glyph (0xe0a0) - make sure your monospace font can display it or change the character to your liking in the source. ** Using [[https://github.com/zplug/zplug][zplug]] - Clone the repository to chosen location (assuming =~/Src/zsh-theme-min-percent=) - Add zplug directive to load theme: #+begin_src shell zplug "~/Src/zsh-theme-min-percent", use:"min-percent.zsh-theme", from:local, as:theme #+end_src ** Using [[https://ohmyz.sh/][oh-my-zsh]] - Clone the repository to chosen location (assuming =~/Src/zsh-theme-min-percent=) - Copy theme file so Oh-My-ZSH can find it: #+begin_src shell cp ~/Src/zsh-theme-min-percen/min-percent.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/ #+end_src - Set theme in your =.zshrc=, before sourcing Oh-My-ZSH: #+begin_src shell ZSH_THEME=min-percent #+end_src