Updated the build instructions

Adam Kruszewski 2023-04-02 11:20:46 +00:00
parent 00e9f62965
commit f44f1be119
1 changed files with 19 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,25 @@
** Clone the repository to =qmk_firmware/crkbd/keymaps= and name it for example =adam_colemak=.
#+begin_src shell
cd qmk_firmware/
cd keyboards/crkbd/keymaps/
git clone https://code.bsdgeek.org/adam/qmk-corne-colemak-dh-mod adam_colemak
#+begin_src shell
** Set the keymap as default and compile from its directory
(hard to say but had to compile from inside the directory as setting it as default somehow didn't work)
#+begin_src shell
qmk config user.keymap=adam-colemak
cd qmk_firmware/
cd keyboards/crkbd/keymaps/adam-colemak/
qmk json2c crkbd_rev1_layout_split_3x6_3_mine.json -o keymap-json.c
qmk clean ; qmk compile -kb crkbd/r2g
## only used to regenerate the keymap if you would customize using online keymap editor.
# qmk json2c crkbd_rev1_layout_split_3x6_3_mine.json -o keymap-json.c
qmk clean
qmk compile -kb crkbd/r2g
** Flash the firmware
(two times the same command chained for both of the sides of the keyboard)
#+begin_src shell
qmk flash -kb crkbd/r2g ; qmk flash -kb crkbd/r2g